Dobrodošli na internetske stranice vile "Petra i Sanja". Ovdje ćete pronaći sve informacije on našim apartmanima. Želja nam je  da provedete ugodne praznike u jednom od najljepših ljetovališta na Jadranu, u Novalji na otoku Pagu.

Home Apartments Apartment #6

Villa Petra & Sanja - Novalja - Apartment #6 - 2nd floor

Fully equiped and air-conditioned apartment on the seconf floor of villa. It consists of bathroom, two bedrooms, kitchen/living/dining room with TV set, and terace, with total usable space of about 35 square meters.

Apartment guests can use reserverd parking slot in front of villa.

With fully equiped kitchen and two bedrooms, up to 4 persons can rest in apartment.

Airconditioned interior will please you in any weather conditions. You can reach Zrće beach by foot , and at a close distance is camp Straško.


Send inquiry.